A monthly, curated subscription box (inspired by elements of nature) that will light up your life...
"We created True Box of Rocks as a way to carefully curate a collection of natural products, gemstones, crystals, fossils and other organic minerals just for you”.
We’re “busy” just like everyone else on this beautiful planet but if you are curious about natural, organic elements from the earth and love experimenting with unique products you’re going to feel like our monthly box was curated by a True Friend just for you!
We are excited to be releasing a preview of our new subscription boxes for 2023 soon!! As we begin the countdown to the exciting launch of the new subscription boxes we will be offering some free give-aways and special discounted offers. Please check back soon for more details! Here is a hint: These subscription boxes are perfect for anyone on your gift list including Children, Men, Women… and of course YOU! ❤️